Start 2018 with Laurel Hill Crochet Hook Winners

January’s hook winner was Bobbi Chatelain. She chose a Trai size L crochet hook. And, February’s hook winner is Julie DeJonghe. Julie picked a size F Ebony hook.

Ebony, Nam Oc and Trai crochet hooks

If you would like to enter to win a Laurel Hill Crochet Hook, sign up here. A new winner is randomly picked each month and you could be next!

We invite you to send us a review of the hook you received. Tell us about yourself, how you learned to knit or crochet, or your current project. Take a picture of yourself and your project, and send it to us

Our First Designer Profile: Corinne Freeman

We are pleased to introduce Corinne Freeman to the Laurel Hill community.  Corinne will be providing free, new projects and patterns to Laurel Hill for your crocheting pleasure. Thank you, Corinne!

Corinne writes:

“I truly do love to create things. I have been crocheting and knitting for many years. I was very fortunate to have my family members teach me the basics.  From there, I have worked on improving my skills through the many venues for learning fiber crafting. 

Back in 2010, I did a couple of craft fairs.  I had made so many projects that I needed to reduce some of my things. I was extremely excited about how well I did, and I decided shortly after to open up my own ETSY store.  I thought it would be fun, and there is nothing better than having someone love what I have made. I am so very fortunate to be a young grandmother raising my granddaughter. That old saying that “they keep you young,” is very true.

Box Stitch Crochet, by Corinne Freeman

Now, I am proud to be able to fuel my creative side in my first published book, which is truly a dream come true. My book is called Box Stitch Crochet, which is a stitch I was able to learn from a family member. Most of the time this stitch is used for Afghans or Baby Blankets, as the stitch works up quickly.  It’s great for new baby gifts. I like the fact that my book takes this stitch in a different direction, by focusing on making wearable items such as camisoles or shawls, along with other accessories. 

Thank you for reading this and have a wonderful day!  May your day bring you strength, peace, and joy with the positive things we all have in our world. 


Mother’s Day Stories!

Hi Laurel Hill Friends!

For the month of May, we are honoring Mother’s Day by sharing the knitting and crocheting stories of you!

We would love to hear the stories of how you all learned to knit/crochet. Whether you learned from your mother or grandmother (or any other family member, all stories are welcome) we would love to hear how you all found your love for the art.

Please comment on this post sharing your story and photos and each week we will add that story to the product update and to this month’s upcoming newsletter.

We can’t wait to hear all of your stories!


The Laurel Hill Team

New Set Winner!

Hey Laurel Hill Friends!

We wanted to give a shout out to our set winner of the quarter, Guadalupe Longworth.

Take a peek at his story:

” I was taught to crochet by mother; when I was nine years old. My mother was my inspiration becasuse she self taught herself how to crochet with out the benefit of speaking English. Because yarn was so expensive; I learned to make dolies out of thread and so my journey began. By the time I was in high school my beautiful table cloth was was selected to be part of a very special exhibit at the Anaheim Convention Center. I can honestly say that every project that I have completed has only improved my knowledge of crochet so all projects are my favorite.

I would like to Thank Laurel Hill for making a dream come true because her beautiful crochet hooks have been on my wishlist for a long time. All I can say is Thank You for an awesome gift.


Make sure to sign up for your chance to win!

Sign up here! 

Happy 2015!

Happy New Year to all of our Laurel Hill customers!

Heading into 2015, we want to share some of our new changes with you all.

Regarding the crochet hook contest, we will be choosing monthly winners, and every three months, we will be selecting a crochet SET winner. So make sure you’ve entered the contest to have a chance to win a free hook or set. Enter to win at

We’ve also rearranged the Laurel Hill site and we invite you to take a look at the new and improved format. Check out our site at

Have a wonderful rest of your January and we will be back with another post soon!

This Weeks Winner!

Congratulations to Jill Smail! 

“My great-aunt tried to teach me to crochet when I was a child. I could never get past the “chain” and finally just gave up. About a year ago, my mom was working on a lap blanket and I asked her to teach me. She showed me a basic single crochet stitch. I was so excited to start my own blanket! Rather quickly I got bored with it and expanded to try a hat. Fast forward to now and I’ve started my own shop with hand made goodies and photography props. Crocheting lets me relax and unwind after a long day! I’ve truly never loved anything more than a hook and my next project in hand (never leave home without it)!”



This Weeks Crochet Hook Winner!

Congratulations to Erika Hill! 
” I learned to knit and crochet when I was in the fifth grade. I was fascinated with the idea that anyone could make ‘fabric’ with just needles/hook and thread. I watched many young ladies making doilies and was totally captivated! My favorite project is always my ‘next’ masterpiece. I love making vintage looking things for my daughters, and each ‘next’ one is my favorite.”
Love Poem Cardigan by Erika (front)
Good luck with your next masterpiece Erika and congratulations on winning this weeks drawing!

Kind Words Worth Sharing!

Good afternoon to you all!

We recently received this extremely thoughtful and generous review from Mary about the Nova Cubics Platina Needles and I thought it was something worth sharing with you all!

Dear Rick,
There are no words for these SUPERB, WONDERFUL, BEAUTIFUL, COMFORTABLE Nova Cubics Platina needles!!!  Other than your triangular and square Palm wood needles, these are simply the best – even over the Addi Lace Turbos!  Unfortunately, I have two complete Nova Cubics sets (nickel plated, 10″ and 14″), which I only just got about a month ago and will probably never use again – now that these Platina Cubics have come on the scene (I won’t have black hands from the nickel anymore).  I now have a pair each of the 14″, 10″, and 32″ Circulars in #9 (5.5m) and I have just ordered two more 32″ #9’s, as I’m usually involved in several projects at a time.
The only thing that I would add to these Platinas would be a swivel cord, like some of my Kollages have.  But these needles are WINNERS!!!


Thank you so much Mary for your kind words and we at Laurel Hill are so thrilled to hear that our products are working for you!

Have a wonderful rest of your sunday! 

This Weeks Winner is…Cheryl Vickers!

Congratulations Cheryl!

Hear Cheryl’s Story!

“I started knitting a few years ago so I would have something to do while riding cross country in our semi with my husband. I sew, smock, silk embroidery, tat and just love doing anything with my hands. I just recently taught myself how to crochet, and want to learn how to make beautiful throws or blankets like my grandmother and great aunts have in the past!!  I love all things old! I have 10 grandchildren and would love to make each one a blanket, so they will always have something made from me!!  I also have 2 boys in the military, one in the Air Force, one in the Army, and would love to make and donate lap blankets for men and women active/retired, to show that we care for what they have sacrificed for our country!!” 


We are so excited to be able to send off another crochet hook! 

Congratulations Cheryl and we at Laurel Hill are so happy to be able to share our products with you! 


This Weeks Winner!

Congratulations to Phyllis DeFabritis! 

She is this weeks crochet hook winner!

“I LOVE Laurel Hill hooks…and customer service is the best. I learned to crochet when I was a little girl-forgot about it for a while-then picked it up a few years back as a stress reliever…the wood hooks are so much nicer on my hands. This REALLY made my day. Thank You.” 

We at Laurel Hill thank YOU! We can’t wait to choose next weeks winner! 

Hope you all are getting excited as well and have a wonderful week!