Ravelympians Knit & Crochet to Victory

The Olympics in Beijing were exciting, but we’re not sure they can hold a giant torch to the 2008 Ravelympics (need to be a member). Thousands of members of Ravelry, a social network for fiber artists, participated in the Ravelympics. Some stats from Ravelry:

The 2008 Ravelympics were a huge hit! Thousands of Ravelers from around the world participated and had a fantastic time. It was a great way to end the summer. Some stats:

  • Total FOs (not stash/yarn): 6764
  • Countries participating: 56
  • Total frogged projects (hey, it happens to all of us): 104
  • Yarn used: 1,996,255 meters (over 2 million yards)

Laurel HIll is thrilled to be a prize sponsor for the Ravelympics. Of all the finished objects, 41 people were drawn randomly to receive a Laurel Hill crochet hook. The prizes are in the mail and we’re excited about being part of the winning team.

A few of the winning finished objects:

Anthropolgie Inspired Shrug
From AnnInNC: Anthropolgie Inspired Shrug
Traveling Eyelet Sweater
From bekala: Traveling Eyelet Sweater
Dog Sweater for Bella
From Must-Stash: Dog Sweater for Bella
Baby Matinee Jacket
From RiaAnn: Baby Matinee Jacket